Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What is new?

(Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu)

This is the Japanese New Year greetings.

The literal translation would be "A Happy Beginning!"

In English conversation, you may say "Happy New Year!"

The year 2007..... What do you anticipate this year?

The period of one year comes from the time it takes for one revolution of the earth around the sun. ... 365.2422days ....

At this point, I am planning to visit Los Angels, Malaysia, Singapore, and India this year.

These are all places I have visited before.

However I also anticipate to visit new places, to meet new people, to face new situations.....and new problems.

Is this a new year for you?

What are you anticipating?

What is new?


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Takeshi - your forgot to mention that Krispy Kreme donuts were created and the world headquarters is in the state of North Carolina in the USA. Many things of excellence come out of this state - great basketball, scholars, presidents, Asian Access staff and yes, Krispy Kreme donuts!
Bruce - from Charlotte, North Carolina. Go Tar Heels!


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