Thursday, May 01, 2008

Coffee? What do you want?

"I'd like a mug of coffee"

"what do you want?"

"a mug of coffee, please."

"Okay, what do you want, sir?"


"what would you like to drink?"

I was in the cafe in Melbourne trying to have coffee.

Finally, the a person taking the order figure out my problem.

He asked "Late? Cappuccino?.... Flat White? Long Black?....."

What? Flat white? Long Black? What are they?

I said "Long Black, please."

it was "Cafe Americano"

Coffee is a name of the group of drink made of coffee in Australia. There was not a item named "coffee."

When you go to Sushi shop, you don't say "I'd like to have three sushi, please."

The same way in a cafe in Australia, you don't say "I want large coffee."

Coffee was not just coffee.....


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Did you find out what a flat white was??? Who knew!!! Good post!

At 6:57 AM, Blogger takeshi66 said...


I think "flat white" is espresso with heated milk.


At 6:57 AM, Blogger takeshi66 said...

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At 11:26 AM, Blogger Pastor Parato said...

That's like when they ask if you want tea in the South. Unless you specify, it will be cold and sweet.


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