Saturday, January 06, 2007

Is it cold today?

low: 3C (37F) high: 9C(48F)

This is the temperature today in Tokyo.

It is winter here.

Most people think this is cold.

Friends in the Southern Hemisphere feel warm or hot since most of them are in Summer.

Friends near the Equator feel warn or hot most of the time.

Do you have seasons where you are?

Which seasons do you like?

In which season do you thrive?

.....Is it cold today?


At 3:33 AM, Blogger Keith Webb said...

In Singapore, we put on sweaters and make hot cocoa when the thermometer hits 23C (73F). Burr!

No seasons in Singapore, hot all year long. It's like living in Summer all year. I like it!

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Angela Shih said...

So in CA right now, it's sweaty summer hot!! I had to dig out my summer clothes to teach in! :)

But I got to run around with my students on the field, which was fun.

I thrive in winter with a heater, so that I can go snowboarding and still be warm when I need to be! :) Plus a great blanket can keep me very late to work. haha.

Which weather do YOU thrive in Takeshi?

At 1:52 AM, Blogger takeshi66 said...

I thrive in both cold and hot weather.
I am fine with fall since it gets colder everyday. However, I don't thrive in spring. It doesn't have any direction.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Angela Shih said...

really? hahhaha. What does that mean? It doesn't get hotter or colder?! :) What about the pretty flowers?

At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course I like Spring and Fall the best. I like to put on one layer of clothes in the Fall and be warm. I like to wear one or two thinner layers of clothes in the Spring and be warm. Not too hot not too cold. I have the hardest time when my bones get cold!! I will admit that foodwise, Summer and Winter are best. Also, onsen in the snow is hard to beat as well. I guess if I am warm, then anytime is fine!!! It is all about me.... dj

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's finally turned winter here too. It's cold today. I don't like it, but I was getting a little concerned about the global warming thing, so the cold weather is a little reasuring. The cold weather is the fault of a man in my church. He sells propane for heating, and since it's been warm, he hasn't sold much. So he prayed for cold weather so he can work! He said if it didn't get cold, he wouldn't be able to tithe, so that got the rest of us praying with him!!! So for his sake (and the chruch's), it's a good thing!


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