Friday, July 18, 2008

Coming Home

I was in Vietnam from Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.

I spent Sunday and Monday nights in reasonable hotels in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

On Tuesday night at the airport, I was with many tall slender beautiful women at the check-in counter.

They were on my flight from HCM City to Tokyo.

For a while, I was wondering who they were.

They were Miss Universe contestants!!!

Miss Venezuela won the title for 2008. (She was not in the economy section where I was sitting!)

I've never been a beauty contestant, so I don't know how they feel about being judged according to the other people's standards....

I think no one likes to be judged. But I find myself judging people one way or another most of the time.

How about you?

How can you avoid judging people?


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