Friday, July 18, 2008

Coming Home

I was in Vietnam from Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.

I spent Sunday and Monday nights in reasonable hotels in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

On Tuesday night at the airport, I was with many tall slender beautiful women at the check-in counter.

They were on my flight from HCM City to Tokyo.

For a while, I was wondering who they were.

They were Miss Universe contestants!!!

Miss Venezuela won the title for 2008. (She was not in the economy section where I was sitting!)

I've never been a beauty contestant, so I don't know how they feel about being judged according to the other people's standards....

I think no one likes to be judged. But I find myself judging people one way or another most of the time.

How about you?

How can you avoid judging people?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Surveyor, Tadataka Ino

On July 10, 1821 (187 years ago), the map of Japan was published. The map was based on the survey done by Tadataka Ino(1745-1818). He could not finished the map but his pupils finished it three years after his death.

He learned the survey and cartography when he became 50 years old. He started the project of surveying Japan at the age of 56 and he continued on until he died at the age of 74.

His map was very accurate. It was used for more than a century.

Would you start something new at the age of 50?

What are you going to leave behind as legacy of your life?