Saturday, March 10, 2007

Osaka....Right side? or.......

Which side of the escalator do you stand on to let other hurried people pass you by?

Do you open the right side up for other people? Or do you stand on the right side to open the left side up?

In Osaka, you leave open the left side on the stairs.

In Tokyo, you leave the right side open.

I don't know why people in Osaka don't open the right side up but the wrong side, no... I mean left side.

By the way, there are two escalators in this picture. The right side of the stairs is the one you need to use. The left one is coming down toward you.

You always want the "right" side.....

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I am still in Tokyo

My last post was made on 16th of February. It's been a while. I am still in Tokyo.

I will write about my visit to Osaka soon.

Today, I will write about going to Malaysia. I am going to Malaysia with my family (wife and two children).

Malaysia is celebrating their 50th anniversary. August 31, 1957, they became Federation of Malaya. They were British colony before that. Japanese invaded this nation during the WWII.

Asian Access is celebrating 40th anniversary in Port Dicson near Kuala Lumpur.

Have you already celebrated your 40th and/or 50th birthday?

What do you see from where you are that you could not see before you were here?