Saturday, October 28, 2006

Boston & NY City

I just came back from the US. It was a great trip though I am now physically and mentally exhausted. The colors of leaves in Boston were wonderful.

My friend in the US joined and helped me. It is fun to work with people who is very competant. We visited 7 churches, two educational institutions and sightseeing spots.

I had two days with my family. And I am off to Chiang Mai. We knew that this fall would be like this. I pray for the protections and blessings upon my family. I will miss them.

Are you away from home now?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Off to the States

Two days ago, I came back from Mongolia. I still need to let you all know how I got back from Mongolia. I will write more about that story later. But today, I'm leaving for the States. This time I'm taking 30 Japanese pastors and leaders to Boston and NY City. We will visit churches to learn what's happening with them. We also visit places like Harvard University, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty and etc. Why plan this kind of tour every other year. There are several reasons for doing this: 1) By leaving Japan, we can think about the issues of Japan better. When you are in the midst of the context, it is harder to see the real issues. You are mostlikely thinking about what you face currently. But once you leave the coutry you reflect about your context in a very different perspective. You can think out side the box. 2) By exposed to a very different model of doing thinkgs, you start thinking about things in a priciple level. Every effective model has universal principles woven in. You would not take the modelsa or strategies as they are but you will identify the principles by thinking the questions like Why do they do what they do? you also think about why don't they work in Japan. This process help you to identify the foundational principles. 3) By being the tourists, you can create a learning community effectively. Many of the people who participate in the tour don't have good opportunities to learn because they are constantly teaching. The tourists are learners. The setting aslo creates horizontal relationships. They bond much better with the "comon threat." Well, you may not want this long explanation of why we do this.

It's time to board...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Land of Genghis Khan

I left Japan on 9th. I had to stop over in Beijing. I had a great dinner with my friends. The next day, I went to Ulaan Baator. I flew Air China since there was no other flight that matched my schedule. It is October and the tourist season is over. Right after I arrived the driver picked me up. He does not speak English but he had a paper with my name "TAKESHI." I got on and drove about two hours to Terelj. Hotel UB2. This is the hotel I stayed four nights. I had a great time with 12 Mongolian pastors. We learned together how God develops leaders and how to respond to His development. This was my third trip to Mongolia. They are great people. I will write more about this trip later. It was an interesting trip....

Friday, October 06, 2006


I am getting ready to leave for Mongolia. Oh no! I need visa to enter the country! I almost panicked....

Oh yeah. This year is the 800th Anniversary of Great Mongolian State! They don't require visa to enter the country. AD1206, Genghis Khan became the ruller. By late 1200s, the country covered most of the Asia and east side of Europe. It was huge!

This is my third trip to this country and I am looking forward to meet friends there. I am not looking forward to be thown by Mongolian. First time I was thrown when I wrestle with them. Sencond time, I was thrown when I was plaing succer with them.... They are trully the decendants of Genghis Khan to throw Samurai!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back in Tokyo

I few out of KL, Malaysia last night and arrived Tokyo this morning via Singapore. Tough I had one hour to transit in Changi Airport in Singapore last night, my flight out of KL was delayed. By the time I came out of the aricraft, the gate of the next flight was closing. I heard the final call as I was running to the Gate F-40. I made it! Now I'm back in Tokyo.

Have you ever missed the flight?

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I am now in Malaysia. Meeting with friends from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar along with America. When I arrive last night, taxi (Mercedez) driver was driving quite fast. I leaned to check the speed. The speedometer was broken! Without indicators you don't know how fast you're going. Do you know how you are running the race of life? What kind of indicator do you use?

I am in Singapore

I am waiting for my next flight at the airport. I am on my way to Kuala Lumpur. I only have two hours and that is not enough time to go out. So, I am staying in the lounge. I will be posting where I am or was....